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 I need it badly

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I need it badly Empty
PostSubject: I need it badly   I need it badly EmptyFri Feb 23, 2007 6:56 am

Now I haven't known you very long and I shouldn't be asking you for this so soon, but I really need it badly.

I haven't had it for a while and I can already feel it going in good and hard and coming out nice and soft.

If you would do this for me no one would ever know.

I am sure you can satisfy my needs and I'd be very grateful if you would.

I am very desperate and I need your help.

You must think by now that I have a lot of nerve but I can feel my tongue wrapping around it and sucking out all the juices until it's very dry.

I am not going to beat around the bush any longer

Wait for

Do you have a piece of gum? Smile)

chocolate links
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